Compensation for damages under compulsory liability insurance in collisions of several cars



Various situations constantly occur on the roads where drivers are faced with more unpleasant events, especially when a car collides. And only a driver armed with the necessary knowledge will be able to gain a sense of safety on the roads.

The main algorithm of all actions

Initial actions in case of an accident:

1. It is recommended to stop on the road no matter what, even if your current position may inconvenience the movement of other cars.

2. Place an emergency sign on the roadway and connect the emergency signal.

3. It is necessary to immediately record the time of the accident.

After all this, carry out a full inspection of the car and the location of the collision, where you should also determine the presence of victims. If any of the participants require medical assistance, you should urgently call an ambulance. If there are no victims of this event, then immediately contact the traffic police and your insurance agent. A little later, you can find witnesses to the incident, write down their initials, and then determine the coordinates in order to vouch for their testimony. Everything should be reflected on a piece of paper. Take pictures of the collision scene using a handy device.

How are payments made under an insurance policy?

Compensation for damage

Damage can be compensated according to a certain scheme, which is applicable precisely when:

1. number of participants in the collision – 2;

2. if both drivers have an MTPL insurance policy;

3. if only the car was damaged and no other damage was caused.

Compensation for damage to a vehicle to the injured party is always carried out by its insurance company.

Compensation according to a specific scheme

This payment option is used under the following conditions:

1. If there are two or more vehicles involved in the collision;

2. In addition to damage to the car, damage was caused to other property;

3. There are people who were injured during the incident.

The injured party will be able to receive payment only from the insurance agent of the culprit, whom he will have to contact when registering the accident.

What documentation may be required to pay compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance?

Compensation in money under compulsory motor liability insurance will be paid in a fairly short time and in the required quantity, but provided that the policyholder was able to collect and provide the insurer with all the necessary documentation. According to the insurance rules, a package of documents must be provided within the specified time, namely within five working days. Documentation:

1. A photocopy of an identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation, that is, a passport.

2. Written application to receive insurance premiums.

3. A written notice of the event that occurred, which must be agreed upon by both parties. The notification form is usually provided complete with the insurance contract.

4. Certificate from the traffic police stating that the accident was recorded. A certificate form that was established in accordance with the law.

5. A photocopy of a previously drawn up protocol, which mentions the administrative violation, which has certified signatures from traffic police officials.

6. Documentation certifying the right to property, that is, to own a car. You can also provide a power of attorney for further driving of the vehicle if a third party is driving.

7. Current account where the amount of compensation from the insurance agency will be transferred.