Support of share issue

As practice shows, Russian legislation considers joint stock companies to be the most reliable organizational and legal form of a legal entity. They are endowed with almost full legal capacity and can attract financial resources through additional issue of securities.

In addition to the obvious advantages of a joint stock company, there are a number of disadvantages. A legal entity not only undergoes registration with authorized bodies. It is necessary to go through a complex procedure for issuing shares. DTK Partners specialists will help you with this.

Procedure for issuing shares

The procedure for issuing securities can be divided into 5 stages:

  • Make a decision on the placement of shares. The procedure for placing securities must be prescribed in the organization’s charter. The decision cannot contradict the charter.
  • Approve the decision to issue securities. The document is approved by the governing body or board of directors.
  • Complete state registration of the issue (issue) of shares. The registration authority is the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Documents are reviewed within 30 days and a positive or negative decision is made. In some cases, documents may be returned for revision. During this period, emissions are suspended.
  • Place shares. The process is carried out by dividing securities among shareholders or transferring them in full to a single holder.
  • Prepare a report on the results of the issue of shares. The report is subject to state registration. As an alternative, notification of the results can be sent to the registration authority.

In some cases, some stages can be carried out in parallel. In addition, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the deadlines for submitting and receiving documents.

To avoid any discrepancies in the exact process of issuing shares, it is necessary to involve a qualified lawyer.

Services for legal support of securities issue

In the process of creating a joint stock company or during an additional issue, the following services of a lawyer will be needed to register the issue of shares:

  • Legal advice on emerging issues.
  • Preparation of a package of documents required in the process.
  • Preparing a placement decision.
  • Preparing a decision on release or additional release.
  • Supporting the process of state registration of securities issue.
  • Support in assigning an identification number to the issuance procedure.
  • Supporting the process of placing shares.
  • Supporting the process of state registration of the report.
  • Representation of the founder in government bodies.

Why is it necessary to cooperate with DTK Partners?

Every year, DTK Partners implements dozens of projects aimed at providing legal support for issuance procedures. The company provides a full range of services both for a new organization and for additional issues of securities.

The first stage of working with a lawyer is legal consultation. A company employee will study the documentation and answer all your questions.

To be confident in the high-quality and timely preparation of documents, it is advisable to order turnkey services from DTK Partners employees. The specialist will monitor the issuance process from the moment the draft decision is prepared until the state registration of the report.

When you order a lawyer to fully support the issue of shares, you are guaranteed to be protected from legal surprises. The specialist will undertake visits to government agencies and preparation of a package of documents.

If you want to control the process yourself, DTK Partners employees can get involved at any stage.

The cost of services is calculated individually depending on the amount of work required.