Development of job descriptions and employment contracts
In the process of hiring an employee for a new company, organizational issues arise. When introducing a post, it is necessary to develop a job description. And also prepare a model labor contract for all employees. Lawyers of the DTK Partners will help you develop job descriptions for various specialists and an employment contract.
Development of job descriptions and employment contracts
Under job description is understood a document that contains the requirements for an employee in a certain position and a list of his official duties. The document is necessary so that the employee knows exactly his duties. The law prohibits the employer from requiring employees to work that are not explicitly indicated in the job description.
The document must contain:
- requirements for the candidate, including education, work experience, length of service, level of training;
- workload;
- range of duties;
- sites for which the employee is responsible;
- limits of liability.
An employment contract is a document that governs the employment relationship between an employer and an employee. It includes the rights and obligations of the parties, the exact place of work, professional functions, size and payment procedure.
In case of violation of the rights of the employee, he can go to court to protect his rights.
Therefore, the employer should pay special attention to the development of such documents. To avoid mistakes, it is advisable to involve a lawyer in the process.
Legal services
A qualified specialist will provide the following services:
- oral consultation on the development of job descriptions and employment contracts;
- agreement on the terms of the contract;
- development of a model draft contract;
- approval of the project;
- representing the interests of the principal at the conclusion of the contract;
- legal analysis of existing contracts;
- assessment of legal risks of finished contracts;
- preparation of draft job descriptions for each specialty within the enterprise;
- approval of job descriptions.
This list is not exhaustive. The principal can order a separate service or full support of the process.
Assistance of DTK Partners
If you involve the lawyers of DTK Partners in the development of the job description and employment contract, you will receive the following results:
- functional responsibilities of employees will be correctly distributed;
- the subordination of specialists will be established;
- increase the reliability of tasks;
- the rights of workers will be specified;
- labor efficiency will increase.
To rationalize the work of workers, it is necessary to correctly prepare documents. The specialists of DTK Partners agency will help you with this. We cooperate with enterprises in Moscow and throughout the Russian Federation.