Inheritance disputes
Drawing up a will, the testator wants to save his assignees from disputes over the division of property. However, as practice shows, the heirs dispute every second document through the courts. If you think that the administrative document violates your legal rights, then it is advisable to contact the lawyers for inheritance disputes. The lawyers of DTK Partners will help to protect your interests.
Inheritance Disputes
Difficulties with the registration of inheritance property arise from the moment of opening the inheritance. But even this stage cannot always be completed without problems. If the notary refuses to open the inheritance, it is advisable to resolve this issue in court. With the help of a lawyer in succession law, it is possible to establish the fact of opening an inheritance in court.
In addition, the support of a lawyer may be needed in the following cases:
- recognition of a citizen as a dependent of the deceased;
- division of hereditary property;
- inclusion of an object in the composition of the hereditary mass;
- registration of copyright;
- registration of shares of the deceased;
- restoration of the term of entry into the inheritance;
- contesting a will;
- recognition of the heir unworthy;
- inclusion of a new assignee in the composition of the heirs;
- protection of the rights of a conceived heir.
This is only part of the disputes that will require legal support. Having a competent lawyer will significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome.
Inheritance Legal Services
The services of a specialist in inheritance may be needed both in the presence of disputes between the heir, and when registering the property of the deceased.
For example, if the owner lived in Moscow, and the assignee lives in another region or another country, the lawyer can independently take all actions to enter into property rights. To do this, it is enough to draw up a notarized power of attorney for the representative and conclude an agreement on the provision of legal services.
In such a situation, the lawyer independently:
- will submit to the notary a statement of entry into the inheritance;
- collect legal documents;
- take measures for the preservation of property;
- pay the state fee;
- renew the ownership of the heir.
If there are several successors, then a dispute may arise. In such a situation, the specialist should:
- prepare documentation;
- make a statement of claim;
- pay a fee;
- file documents with the court;
- represent the interests of the applicant;
- obtain a court decision;
- renew the ownership of the property.
Do-it-yourself actions can lead to an undesirable result. Therefore, it is advisable to attract a qualified lawyer.
Support from DTK Partners
The solution of hereditary disputes has a number of nuances. Therefore, you need to find an experienced specialist. The lawyers of DTK Partners Law firm have many years of experience in resolving conflicts between heirs. We can help in collecting documents or filing a lawsuit, as well as provide full support for the turnkey inheritance. Specialists of DTK Partners will take all necessary measures to restore the legal rights of the principal.